March 31, 2025

About Us

About Us

At we only provide credible and quality educative news.
We are a team of experts and researchers on the topics we write on.
Our team is always comprised of experienced health, experienced teachers teaching the subject areas of the topic we publish

Mission Statement

It is our mission to ALWAYS provide factual, credible and quality information that should mostly educate the reader and improve their wellbeing.
Our news information is timely with factual documentation.
We only provide verified information to our audience.

Ethics Policy is our most valuable asset and, therefore, we bring only the best to our users. Social media are now an integral part of our lives and, so, we apply the quality rule to all the platforms we share our content
Educativenews is committed to authentically representing everyone of the millions of users that consume our content. We do not discriminate towards any group of people and we do not promote hateful content against any group of people. Everyone must be loved and included.

Corrections Policy

We expect our team to be accurate at all times, but as humans, sometimes mistakes are made. That is the reason we have a system in place that checks our content. We also review our content from time to time and update the content. Any error seen or prompted about is immediately and appropriately addressed.
Anyone reading from can get in touch to complain about a program by
We actively monitor our email inbox at all times.

Unnamed Sources considers requests for anonymity very carefully. We always encourage sources to speak on the record and, when possible, on camera. Our contents are written by highly trained professionals in their field.
But we may withhold the names of a source if there is a risk that they could be put in either legal or physical danger upon publication.